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Heritage Mini Shelley

Chinese New Year mini shelley in fine aquamarine and white silk twill. Special Edition. Made of 100% silk twill.

Ref . 245868

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CHF 195.00
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  • Descrizione

    Crafted in fine silk twill, aquamarine on one side and white on the other, the Chinese New Year mini shelley is a Special Edition creation dedicated to the Year of the Dragon. The versatile accessory is adorned with several dragons taking the shape of the iconic Bvlgari logo characters as well as with the logo's traditional lettering on one side. Perfect to play with different looks, the model can be tied around the neck or the wrist, used to style the hair and to personalise one’s bag or hat. 5 x 85 cm - 2 x 33.5 inches. 100% silk twill. Handmade in Italy.

  • Dettagli

    Ref.: 245868

    Materiale: Seta

    Colore: Azzurro

    Fabbricato in: Italia


Crafted in fine silk twill, aquamarine on one side and white on the other, the Chinese New Year mini shelley is a Special Edition creation dedicated to the Year of the Dragon. The versatile accessory is adorned with several dragons taking the shape of the iconic Bvlgari logo characters as well as with the logo's traditional lettering on one side. Perfect to play with different looks, the model can be tied around the neck or the wrist, used to style the hair and to personalise one’s bag or hat. 5 x 85 cm - 2 x 33.5 inches. 100% silk twill. Handmade in Italy.

Ref.: 245868

Materiale: Seta

Colore: Azzurro

Fabbricato in: Italia

Servizi esclusivi Bulgari



Chinese New Year mini shelley in fine ruby red and fuchsia silk twill. Special Edition. Made of 100% silk twill. CNY-2024-SH image 1

Heritage Mini Shelley

REF. 245868

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