Item Search:
To browse our catalogue, select a category from the navigation menu or discover our selections on the Home Page. To find something more specific, use the filters or search option on our website.
Product Information:
On each product page, you will find all available sizes and colours, as well as a description and the composition of the item. Click on the product image to zoom in and see all of the details.
How to order:
1. On the Product Page, select your desired size (if applicable; if not, skip to Step 2).
2. Add the product to your Shopping Bag
3. When you have concluded your shopping and added all your desired creations to your cart, click "Shopping Bag".
4. Enter your shipping details
5. Select and fill in your payment method
6. Check that the information you entered is correct and click "Pay and Place Order".
Shortly after, you will receive a confirmation email. As soon as the order is shipped, we will notify you with a shipping confirmation email.
Once the shipping process has been initiated and a tracking number has been issued, orders may no longer be cancelled. However, you can return your order online (except personalized orders).
You can access the complete return policy and terms of sale here.