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To protect its history and heritage, the Maison has an internal Intellectual Property (IP) & Brand Protection team that ensures the correct management of the Bulgari brand.

Making of three metallic Serpenti snakehead closures with black enamel, surrounded by flames.


Today, one of the biggest threats to brand protection comes from online sales, with an estimated 40% of luxury counterfeit goods being sold online. Other than threatening the brand itself both economically and in terms of image, this number is a concern for buyers of these products who are often unaware of the health issues and risks posed by the unsafe and unregulated materials used in fake items.


Along with its parent company LVMH, Bulgari is one of the founding members of Aura Blockchain Consortium, a multimodal private blockchain that supports the brand’s IP & Brand Protection team in its efforts to secure the authenticity and traceability of its products.
Bulgari has been working in two directions to secure the brand: reinforcing the company’s portfolio of IP titles to make sure that these are all owned and controlled by Bulgari and not improperly used by others; and enforcing such exclusive IP titles worldwide, both online and offline, with the support of local lawyers, investigators, customs agencies and law enforcement officers, to combat counterfeiting in whatever form it may appear.
All such steps assure that the Bulgari brand is protected from forgeries and counterfeits.