Elizabeth Taylor’s unique jewellery collection was one of the greatest ever assembled. She owned one of a kind pieces very representative of the brand’s distinctive style and her passion started in 1962, as she arrived in Rome to star in Cleopatra. In her book My Love Affair with Jewelry, she stated: “Undeniably, one of the biggest advantages to working on Cleopatra in Rome was Bulgari’s nice little shop. I used to visit Gianni Bulgari in the afternoons and we’d sit in what he called the ‘money room’ and swap stories.”
In 2011, Christie’s held the most valuable sale of luxury jewellery in auction history and BVLGARI re-acquired seven pieces that best represent Taylor’s predilection for the brand. Some of these were tokens of love from the actor Richard Burton. They met in Rome on the film set and legend has it that after their first scene together they instantly fell in love. Their love affair spread throughout the international press and the Bulgari Condotti store was one of the couple's favourite hide-outs in the city. Burton used to say “The only word Liz knows in Italian is Bulgari”.