Inclusion, diversity, equity

Bvlgari recognizes similarities and differences in age, culture, abilities, needs, race, religion, gender and identity of the people who work in its sphere. The company encourages a diversity of profiles and backgrounds and cross-cultural communication and understanding. A balance has been achieved in the workforce, with 62% of managerial positions worldwide overseen by women and a similar presence across all sectors in which Bvlgari operates through its business units.


Recruiting without discrimination

As an international brand operating in over thirty-five countries, Bvlgari’s core value lies in people making a difference, aiming for richness and inclusion. Its Human Resources are designed to offer qualified individuals of any nationality, gender, age, or industry access to opportunities from recruiting to career development, from mobility and learning paths to compensation. Bvlgari trains recruiters on ‘Recruiting without Discrimination’ and ensures all employees are conscious of biases and how to avoid them.


Respect and dignity

Bvlgari recognizes the talents and diversity in its workforce as competitive advantages; a well-managed and varied workforce not only helps the company realize its full potential but also expands the company’s skills, knowledge, and cross-cultural understanding. For Bvlgari, treating all people with respect and dignity cultivates a supportive and understanding environment where all individuals can reach their maximum potential and creativity within the company. As the company keeps track of its diversity and inclusion mission, it seeks to maintain a work environment that promotes a variety of experiences and perspectives, reflecting the quality and skills of—and commitment to—its people and enriching Bvlgari workplaces for everyone.
To promote gender equality and female empowerment in the workplace and the wider community, Bvlgari adopts the principles of its Code of Conduct, inspired by the United Nations Guidelines on Women’s Empowerment, and embraces many of LVMH’s initiatives in this field. To date, Bvlgari is proud to share that 62% of its international managers are women.
